Monday, November 3, 2008

Who's Your President?

Well it's finally here! A new President? A new Senator? No! The marathon of campaign ads are finally over! The day has come where we can finally turn on the television and watch our favorite shows without listening to all the fighting!

Recently we have been so pounded by political ads many people are afraid to turn on the TV! It's he said, she said, and then some! Hollywood has too much money so they vote for fun. We the working stiffs hope we vote for the person that eases the pain our family and friends feel.

So who do you vote for to change our country? If only we could vote for Fonzie. Aurthur Fonzerelli from Milwaukee Wisconsin. Imagine Fonzie meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the president of Iran. "You got Nukes?" President Fonzie says HEEEEEEEY thats not cool. The peace talks at Arnold's are over with a sock hop and chocolate shake to celebrate!

We all are hoping for the best for everyone as we cast our vote tomorrow. I have heard people complaining they have to get up early and make it to the polls before work to vote. They have to skip lunch or leave work early to vote. As we contemplate this great expense, we need to remember a simple but important point. Thousands and thousands of people have given their lives selflessly for us to stand in line and cast our vote to determine our next leaders. This is a gift most of the world does not get.

If only it was as simple as voting for Fonzie. It's unfortunately not. Vote true to your heart and those that have sacrificed to give us this right, will deam the cost justified. Appreciate this great gift, and get out and vote! Joe Koltes

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